A fructose intolerance diet can solve many bowel complaints. A fructose intolerance diet is not easy to accomplish, but once accomplished for a few months, you may be able to tolerate a reduced amount of fructose without symptoms. Dietary fructose intolerance is not the same as hereditary fructose intolerance.

Fructose intolerance diet is a necessity for a growing number of people who suffer from gastrointestinal complaints. Fructose intolerance diet can eliminate symptoms associated with your gastrointestinal system. There is no fructose intolerance test.

Dietary fructose intolerance is the inability to absorb fructose because of a lack of the mucosal enzymes necessary for their digestion. The fructose intolerance symptoms from this inability to absorb fructose usually are gas and bloating and/or diarrhea. It may also cause other symptoms.

Once the tissue lining the inside of your gastrointestinal tract is healthy again, you may regain the ability to absorb fructose without fructose intolerance symptoms. How long that takes is different for different people. Some people never regain the ability.

Difference between Hereditary Fructose Intolerance and Dietary Fructose Intolerance

A small percentage of people may have a condition called hereditary fructose intolerance, which is different from dietary fructose intolerance. Hereditary fructose intolerance is a genetically caused lack of production of the enzyme l-phosphofructaldolase. This enzyme is not related to the digestion of food, but plays a role in a far more complex chemical process involving fructose. A lack of this enzyme produces more serious symptoms than gastrointestinal problems, including hypoglycemia and liver damage.

A fructose intolerance diet requires removing all foods that contain fructose, such as all fruits; natural sweeteners such as sugar, honey, molasses, and maple syrup; corn and corn products such as corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup; and sweet vegetables such as beets, carrots, eggplant, peas, onions, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, and winter squash (acorn, buttercup, calabaza, delicate, Hubbard, spaghetti, sweet dumpling and turban). If fructose is your problem, you should see a reduction in your symptoms within a week or so.

Reading Labels to Look for Fructose

Since fructose is found in sugar, you will also need to make sure you eliminate all foods with added sugar in your fructose intolerance diet. To do this, you need to read ingredient lists.

But don’t confuse a product’s ingredient list with its “Nutrition Facts” label. This label describes the product’s serving size, total servings per container, and total fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, sugar, and protein content, along with vitamin and mineral content. The sugar mentioned here is not what concerns us. We’re talking about added sugar, not the naturally occurring sugars that come from the carbohydrates in food. Yes, all carbohydrates break down into sugar, but again, that’s not the sugar with which we’re concerned in this step.

Only look for sugars in the ingredient list…not the nutritional panel. They may say most commonly: sugar, cane sugar, cane sugar juice, high fructose corn syrup and any sugar that ends in “ose”…like sucrose, fructose or glucose. Honey and maple syrup also contain fructose.

Please fill out the form below to receive a copy of Dr. Dahlman’s free report about IBS with more information about fructose intolerance and an all natural treatment utilizing his step-by-step process, temporary dietary eliminations and an all natural supplement program. Please click on “Download Report” below only once (or else we get in trouble!).

To find the costs of this program, please click here: “Do It Yourself Program” and solve your GI tract problems on your own or “Phone Consultation Program” to learn about how he can guide you through the step-by-step process to help you conquer this condition.

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