This explanation may be very helpful for your condition. I have rarely had a person it did not help. Please also understand that your hiatal hernia may be a symptom of a more widespread imbalance in your gastrointestinal system, possibly Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

You may also want to download the free IBS Report available at the end of this explanation in order to truly re-establish balance to your system and prevent future problems.

Hiatal hernia massage can be an effective tool to be used at home to eliminate a hiatal hernia. In addition to the set of symptoms a typical IBS patient has, many report that they also have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. So, what is a hiatal hernia? First, a lesson in anatomy. When you swallow, food passes down the esophagus, through a muscle known as the diaphragm, then through the esophageal sphincter and into the stomach. A hiatal hernia occurs when the top of the stomach slides up through the opening of the diaphragm or any other part of the diaphragm and becomes stuck there. This new position of the top of the stomach deforms the base of the esophagus causing the valve (esophageal sphincter) that closes the opening to the esophagus to be unable to seal off the esophagus and protect it from stomach acid.

The end result of this deformation of your system are the symptoms most hiatal hernia sufferers complain of: heartburn, pain, esophageal spasms, potential inflammation, Barrett’s Esophagitis and esophageal ulcers.

So, what might cause this “structural” defect to occur? Keep in mind, it’s my position that my Irritable Bowel Syndrome protocol will eliminate any uncomfortable symptom or set of symptoms associated with your gastrointestinal system and that healthy people don’t have these symptoms. Hiatal hernias happen only to people with unhealthy gastrointestinal systems. My program makes a very strong claim about eliminating symptoms through the re-establishment of bacterial balances and restoration of chemistry. With a hiatal hernia, we may need some additional help.

As in most chronic health problems, conventional doctors have no solution for this painful condition. But here’s something you can try.

There is a possibility that a self massage technique taught to me in the 1970’s by an old chiropractor might help you. I was a young man and suddenly, virtually everyday and seemingly all day long, my stomach area was experiencing amazing pain. The pain could, at times be so severe that it would drop me to my knees. I didn’t know what to eat, when to eat, couldn’t sleep and was taking pain medications. That was very unlike me. Constant discomfort.

I sought out the help of an “alternative” practitioner, an old chiropractor. Keep in mind that in the 70’s, a chiropractor was certainly considered “alternative”. He felt that I was suffering from a hiatal hernia, something that I had never heard of. He then demonstrated a self-massage technique that within a week or so worked wonders. This was many years before I went to school for my nutrition and chiropractic degrees. During the years before my formal schooling I recommended this technique to many people who had been suffering from pain and heartburn for many years. In about 15 years, I recommended it to four or five people who also were amazed at the results they received after suffering for so many years. As was I. Let’s see if I can explain it properly.

Hiatal Hernia Self-Massage Technique

In a sitting position, locate your breastbone. It’s that solid bone in the center of your body between the breasts that connects your ribs. It’s below your throat and above where the soft area above your stomach begins. Most people believe that their heart is behind it. Another way of locating it is to place both hands at the bottom of your ribcage and following the bones of the ribcage, move them both upwards and towards the center of your body. When you can’t go any further, your fingers will be touching the base of the breastbone. It is an inch or so below this point that we will begin our self-massage.

Place the tips of your fingers about an inch or so below the base of your breastbone. I want you to press in three directions, in order: first up, then in and then down. Up, in and down. It’s just that simple. Take your fingers and maintaining a constant rolling motion, press the tips of your fingers into this soft area an inch or so from the base of the breastbone in an upward, then in and then downward motion. Continue this self-massage for about one minute. Okay, big deal, now what? You still feel the same, don’t you? Remember this is a self-massage technique that will require repetition and a week or two to see results. Only do the self-massage a few times the first day. You will ultimately want to perform this self-massage for one minute, three or more times each day.

Here’s why. You have performed this maneuver once or twice. The next day you try it again, you will probably be unable to touch yourself in this area. It will feel as if you are bruised, and you are. It’s like going to the gym for the first time in a long time, doing an exercise and you probably wouldn’t be able to do it again the next day till your muscle has recovered. Same thing here.

Wait a day or two before you try it again. If you aren’t bruised, you probably didn’t push hard enough the first time. So, after the first day, go ahead and perform this self-massage technique as soon as you are able to tolerate it. Just like training in the gym, work your way up to massaging more and more, for one minute, at least three or more times each day. Within a few days, you will see that your symptoms will be changing. How does this work? I dunno.

Actually, because the hernia is a pocket of the stomach that’s moved up and above the diaphragm, it’s the downward motion that will help pull it down to it’s proper position. It’s the up, then in part of the maneuver that puts your fingers in position to pull the tissue down.

Depending on the severity of the hernia, this maneuver should work very well. If you don’t seem to be able to feel any relief, you might want to give the chiropractic assisted maneuver a try.

Chiropractic Assisted Maneuver

Chiropractic has for years practiced an adjustment to bring the portion of the stomach back to its original position. The chiropractor will perform a similar adjustment as the self-massage technique and frequently, it can be accomplished with one trip to them. It’s difficult to describe exactly how it’s done, so contact your chiropractor and they can explain it to you. Work with them and you will be surprised how much better you will feel.


Even hiatal hernias can be resolved with a more natural approach instead of failed conventional medicine. Try the Self-Massage Technique on your own for a few weeks and see what happens. If you are not successful and feel you need additional help, find a chiropractor familiar with the maneuver to eliminate Hiatal Hernias.

Please fill out the form below to receive a copy of Dr. Dahlman’s free report and to find the costs of his program, please click here: “Do It Yourself Program” and solve your gastrointestinal problems on your own or “Phone Consultation Program” to learn about how he can guide you through the step-by-step process to help you conquer this condition.

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