Hot flashes and menopause are difficult experiences for women and are usually treated with drugs that do not address the cause of the problem and have side effects.

Hot flashes and menopause go hand in hand. Prescription hormone replacement therapies are the traditional course of action, but have a risk of serious adverse side effects.

Menopausal hot flashes occur in 80% of menopausal women and greatly affects their quality of life.

Metagenics, Inc. has introduced a product called Estrovera, which is an extract of rhubarb root, an active phytoestrogen and has been used in Germany for hot flashes and menopause and other related menopausal complaints. It features ERr 731 providing safe, natural menopausal hot flash relief that performs as well as low-dose hormone therapy. Safety and effectiveness have been demonstrated in long-term clinical studies and it has been shown to significantly reduce multiple menopausal symptoms.

In clinical studies, Estrovera has shown to:

  • Significantly reduce menopausal symptoms compared to placebo♦
  • Reduce hot flashes by 72% in perimenopausal women♦
  • Clinically demonstrated to relieve a wide range of other menopausal symptoms including:♦- Sleep disturbances- Poor mood, irritability, and anxiety- Physical and emotional exhaustion- Heart complaints (e.g., racing)

    – Joint and muscle complaints

    – Urinary tract symptoms

    – Vaginal dryness and sexual problems

  • No reported changes in safety parameters or serious adverse events in clinical studies lasting up to 2 years♦
  • Clinically effective dose in just 1 tablet daily♦

The use of this product is a safe and natural solution for women experiencing hot flashes and menopause.

Metagenics Estrovera

30 Tablets

90 Tablets

Click Here to Visit Dr. Dahlman’s Online Store and See Current Pricing

♦ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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