An IBS constipation diet should relieve your symptoms and make you more comfortable. Unfortunately, the IBS constipation diet that may work for one person may not for another. There are many similarities to a proper diet, and it is up to the individual to find what works for them. As part of Dr. Dahlman’s phone consultation treatment program, he will personally design a diet specifically for you to maximize your chances of completely eliminating this condition.

An IBS constipation diet is the search patients make when they experience IBS with constipation, also known as IBS-C. Many symptoms can accompany IBS, but constipation can be one that causes much discomfort.

An IBS with constipation diet is not that easy to define because it’s personal. That means that most people have their symptoms for different reasons and also different foods that may contribute to them as well as different foods that help relive constipation.

First Dietary Elimination for Constipation

A diet for IBS with constipation must begin with the elimination of the one food group that is the #1 dietary villain for anyone with any type of gastrointestinal problems. Good old dairy products. This means a 100% elimination of all products from a cow other than beef or butter…if you choose to eat them.

This is a 100% rule. If you simply try to eliminate some of the dairy you eat each day to see if it helps and then you might decide to eliminate all of it if it does…that’s a recipe for failure as there is no way anyone could know how little of any of these dietary villains cause your symptoms. It could be miniscule.

Dairy is contained in all the liquid milks, cheese, ice cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese and yogurt. Please read all the ingredient lists on all the products you have in your kitchen, looking for five words:

  1. milk (or any word attached to the word milk)
  2. cheese
  3. lactose
  4. whey
  5. casein

Make sure you scour any food you might order in a restaurant looking for hidden dairy there also. Ask your server for help.

Begin here with your IBS constipation diet, but a few other tips might be helpful as well.

Other Eliminations for Constipation

If you don’t eat enough food everyday for your metabolic needs, it makes sense that you may not go to the bathroom everyday. If you eat half the calories you truly need, you may only go once every other day. If you eat one third the calories you need…and surprisingly many people do this without knowing…then it also makes sense you will only go once every three days.

If you don’t get enough water in each day, it makes sense your stools will be hard and not so easy to pass.

Foods that help relieve IBS and to be included in your IBS constipation diet are plant material as they contain the many types of fiber in them that your GI tract needs. Be careful with fiber products…whether from the grocery store or health food store…as they can be rough on the insides of your GI tract and can escort nutrition out of you without allowing for absorption. Get your fiber from real food!

For a complete all natural treatment plan that includes an IBS with constipation diet, please fill out the form below to receive a copy of Dr. Dahlman’s free report about IBS utilizing his step-by-step process and an all natural supplement program.

Remember, Dr. Dahlman will personally design the exact diet for you that is necessary to treat this condition. Don’t suffer!*

To find the costs of his program, please click here: “Do It Yourself Program” and solve irritable bowel syndrome on your own or “Phone Consultation Program” to learn about how he can guide you through the step-by-step process to help you conquer this condition.*

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