Looking for the best foods to eat for an irritable bowel syndrome diet is a common concern for sufferers. Simple dietary changes help a small percentage of sufferers and since most have symptoms for many different reasons, there is no one irritable bowel syndrome diet that will work for everyone. As irritable bowel syndrome is actually just a bacteria and chemistry problem, it is possible to successfully treat this condition, reduce symptoms and possibly have no need for any medications.

Your irritable bowel syndrome diet can be determined in an unusual way. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a complex condition requiring a complex solution. For most, it may not be possible to treat your IBS with an irritable bowel syndrome diet alone, so that’s why it’s important that an irritable bowel syndrome patient learn not only the many changes that all IBS patients should embrace, but also identify other variables specific to each of you.

In a step-by-step treatment plan that addresses all the variables a patient should be concerned about, the first five variables are applied to all patients. For more difficult patients, it is important to address the remaining variables in a step-by-step manner to conquer irritable bowel syndrome as described in a free 35 page report available at the end of this page.

The Variables of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

There are in total nine separate variables that negatively affect a person’s gastrointestinal system. Within these variables, we will find the reason for your symptoms. The first four are altered levels of beneficial bacteria, possible presence of bad bacteria, yeast or parasites, lack of digestive enzymes and imbalanced bowel chemistry. Everyone addresses them as well as the no dairy rule described below. These are all addressed in this all natural treatment plan and notice the remaining five below are all diet related. Complete details of how to eliminate the below foods are described in the free IBS report available for download at the bottom of this page.

Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet

Intolerances to Dairy Products

Examples of dairy foods.Dairy products may be the most villainous of all foods you could eat. Easily the number one elimination for anyone suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or any uncomfortable symptoms associated with your gastrointestinal system. This is a 100% elimination for all suffering from any symptom associated with your GI tract.

All dairy products such as all liquid milks, all cheeses, ice cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese, yogurt and kefir must be eliminated from your diet. Butter is the exception, enjoy it. Read all labels looking for five words: milk, cheese, lactose, whey and casein.

Intolerances to Fructose Containing Foods

Some, not all patients might need to eliminate all foods containing fructose. No, that doesn’t mean just fruit, it means all foods that contain fructose. This is a little recognized food group that has been found in the last 10-15 years to be increasingly responsible for gastrointestinal complaints. Almost all traditional medical doctors completely ignore this food group as a possible culprit.

Fructose is contained in all fruits, all sugar (table sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave, molasses, high fructose corn syrup), corn, beets, carrots, onions, peas, tomatoes, eggplant, sweet potatoes, turnips and winter squash (acorn, buttercup, calabaza, delicate, Hubbard, spaghetti, sweet dumpling and turban).

The main symptoms of a fructose intolerance can be pain, gas and bloating, loose bowels or inconsistent bowel behavior (good days and bad days). A person can have 1, 2, 3 or all 4 of these symptoms if they have a fructose intolerance.

Intolerances to Gluten Containing Foods

Examples of breadsGluten free foods are becoming a larger and larger part of our awareness in the grocery store. And for good reason. Gluten can cause many different gastrointestinal symptoms and its elimination is well worth the effort for the benefit that might occur. Not all people need to eliminate gluten when trying to figure out their irritable bowel syndrome diet. Having said that, it is Dr. Dahlman’s belief that gluten is an unnecessary food group for any human regardless of their bowel health.

Gluten is contained in any foods that contain wheat, barley and rye.

Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease is a condition where a specific allergic response takes place in the small intestine that wears away the villi that are responsible for the large surface area that accomplishes absorption. Without these villi, many gastrointestinal symptoms may occur. Diagnosis is done through colonoscopy or blood work.

If found to be positive for celiac, complete elimination of all gluten containing foods mentioned above is necessary as is understanding concerns surrounding non gluten containing foods being processed on the same equipment as gluten containing foods. This is known as cross contamination where even the slightest amount of gluten accompanying non gluten containing foods may be problematic for a celiac patient. They must also be concerned with hidden gluten in items such as makeup, hair products and lotions. Lists of these products can be found online.

Cross contamination or hidden gluten is not a concern for those non-celiac patients who simply eliminate gluten because of trying to determine their irritable bowel syndrome diet.

Possible Food Allergies

An allergy to a food is quite different than an intolerance. Intolerances are digestive issues and happen within the digestive system. Allergies happen in the blood stream. You can be intolerant of a food or food group, but not allergic to them. You can be allergic to a food group or food from that group, but not intolerant of them. You can be both intolerant and allergic to any given food group or food. It is impossible to differentiate between the two and learn what foods you are allergic to without a food allergy test. Intolerances can be determined by the elimination of any food or food group. If you see a change in your symptoms, you have learned something by that elimination.

So, any or all of the above variables may need to be addressed for you to affect your symptoms as there isn’t an exact irritable bowel syndrome diet that can be recommended to everyone. You’re different than the next person, aren’t you?

It’s too complex of an issue for just dietary change, but you can determine your specific diet for irritable bowel syndrome by understanding what not to eat. Dr. Dahlman explains that in great detail in his free report. By understanding the foods to avoid, all else is OK to eat and we ultimately design your personal irritable bowel syndrome diet.

Have you tried some of these dietary eliminations with no success? Many have, but it is a planned step-by-step process of elimination of these foods while we utilize all-natural supplements to re-establish beneficial bacterial balances and restore proper chemistry that is the strength of Dr. Dahlman’s irritable bowel syndrome diet treatment. (Please understand you may not need to eliminate all of the food groups mentioned and any elimination usually is not permanent.)

Remember, Dr. Dahlman will personally design the exact diet for you that is necessary to treat this condition. Don’t suffer!*

Please fill out the form below to receive a copy of Dr. Dahlman’s free report on how you can conquer IBS with his all natural treatment utilizing his step-by-step process, temporary dietary eliminations and an all natural supplement program.*

To find the costs of his program, please click here: “Do It Yourself Program” and solve irritable bowel syndrome on your own or “Phone Consultation Program” to learn about how he can guide you through the step-by-step process to help you conquer this condition.*

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