Colostrum is in mother’s milk and passes on immunity to the newborn. Colostrum supplements also have immune system benefits.

Human colostrum provides many benefits to newborns as it does with any mammal. Human colostrum is a form of milk secreted by the mammary glands within a day of giving birth.

Colostrum milk does many things, but is known to contain antibodies called immunoglobulins such as IgA, IgG and IgM in mammals. The antibodies provide passive immunity.

Colostrum contains a lot of immunological factors, which are passed to the baby and provides the first protection against pathogens. The passive immunity from mother gets transferred to the newborn.

Colostrum Health Supplements

There are many products available at health food stores containing colostrum. Colostrum supplements are known to be beneficial.♦ Studies show that use of colostrum health supplements will increase white blood cell counts (natural killer cells) by 283%.♦

The main ingredient that does this is called “Transfer Factor”. Transfer factors are what transfers immunity from mother to the baby.

So, what if a process was developed to extract those “transfer factors” from colostrum and make a more potent colostrum supplement. Not technically called a colostrum supplement anymore, the all natural supplements most successful are called “Transfer Factor Plus Tri Factor”. (U.S. Patent 4,816,563)

Though colostrum increases white blood cell counts by 26%, this product will increase white blood cell counts by 437%!♦ All physicians agree that natural killer cells (white blood cells) play a major role in the rejection of tumors and cells infected by viruses.

Additionally, new research has shown that Transfer Factor Plus Tri Factor also increases by 73% after just 4 weeks, secretory IgA (SIGA), a part of the immune system that patrols the mucosal areas of the body such as mouth, ears, saliva, intestines, vaginal fluid, secretions from the prostate and lung tissue.♦

Transfer Factor Plus Tri Factor is featured in the 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Physicians’ Desk Reference For Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements, the standard supplement guide for physicians that can be found in physician offices, hospitals, and pharmacies throughout the United States.

Transfer Factor Plus Tri Factor has been recommended by the Russian Federation for use in hospitals and clinics. This historic announcement was a result of ten separate scientific trials and two experimental studies extolling the benefits of Transfer Factor Plus Tri Factor.

I firmly believe that use of this product will sufficiently up-regulate your immune system. This product is wonderful for optimizing your health!


Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor

Google this product for information about where to purchase.

Visit the company’s website by clicking here.

(Dr. Dahlman has no financial interest in your purchase of these products.)

♦ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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